Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

asaz black

Black Principle
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Black principle is a principle of thermodynamics is expressed by Joseph Black . The principle outlines:
If two objects of different temperatures are mixed, hot objects give heat on cold objects so that eventually the same temperature
The amount of heat absorbed by cold object equal to the amount of heat released hot objects
Objects that cooled off the heat as large as the heat is absorbed when heated
Black is a sound principle as follows:
"By mixing the two substances, the amount of heat that is released substances higher temperature equal to the number of heat received by a lower temperature substance"

[ edit ]Formula Black Principle
In general, the formula is the Black Principle

Q out = Q received

Q out is the amount of heat released by the substance
Q receive is the amount of heat received by the substance

and the following formula is a description of the formula above:

(M 1 XC 1) (T 1-T a) = (M 2 XC 2) (T a-T 2)

M 1 = mass of objects that have a higher temperature level
C 1 = Heat of types of objects that have a higher temperature level
T 1 = temperature of the object that has a higher temperature level
T a = temperature of the final mixing of the two objects
M 2 = mass of objects that have a lower temperature level
C 2 = Heat of types of objects that have a lower temperature level
T 2 = temperature of the object that has a lower temperature level

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