Kamis, 19 Januari 2012



Natural phenomena in terms of physics

Prepared by:
Suryawati (09330079)
physics education


A. background
In a paper making sure every writer will have a policy that can be the basis for writing paper, from the making of this article the author just wanted to express how the physics phenomena in nature can actually be discussed with a description of physics, not just the myths sekenar left alone. Because the most people tend to think about anything relating to physics often associated with myths and mystical.
Therefore, the authors would like to extend the existing environmental problems in this world that is to talk about the "danger from storm effects of the sun". Many people think, that the storm the sun will destroy the entire world and universe raya, assuming it's because the sun storm force sanngat Ignition excruciating, but it will not reach a half.
In this regard I as a writer is to make malakah about the effects of solar storms that are worrying the whole world.

B. Summary of problems
1. How do the members of the storm the sun?
2. What are the effects to be raised?

C. purpose
1. To explain the natural phenomena that occur in physics
2. Understand the effects of storms on the sun and raise


A. SOLAR STORM RESPONSE from various parties

badai matahari
Institute of Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan) asked people not excessively worried about the emergence of solar storms forecast in 2012-2015, because the event was not a sign of doom as it was rumored some time ago.

"The results of our observations, solar storms will not immediately destroy the civilization of the world. The immediate effects will be felt in high technology such as satellite and radio communications. So it's not a sign of doom, "said Head of Space Applications and Magnet Geomagnet Lapan, Clara Yono Yatini, at Udayana University of Denpasar, Bali.
Now researchers at NASA has officially announced that solar storms will occur. The official NASA on solar maxima are expected to occur in 2012 were announced on his official website. On the site, NASA said in 2012 a polar sun has a very high boiling point, it means the earth will receive a hot 3-5 times greater than now.
This prediction also comes from other sources, a team of researchers led by Mausumi Dikpati of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). He says that the sunspot cycle will be 30% - 50% larger than the previous one. He estimates that it will happen in 2012. David Hathaway of the National Space Science & Technology Center (NSSTC) even predict solar maxima will occur between the years 2010 to 2011.
A group of scientists led by Dr. Alfred Webre then make its own study, called Project Camelot. In a very scientific it conveys the seriousness of the problem to be faced by citizens of the world, if the solar maxima occur soon.
His opinion is supported by many other scientist like Dr. Dawid Wilcock, Andrew Basiago, Bob Dean and Brian O'Leary. These figures are considered as a whistleblower about what had been concealed or covered by NASA.

According to Clara Yono, issues regarding the outbreak was related to solar storms apocalypse that, Lapan continued to spread knowledge about the impact of solar activity to the public at large.

It is expected the public more aware of the impact that may arise and can take proper precaution due to space weather phenomena is 2012 to 2015.
Explained, solar activity which throws billions of tons of particles, plasma high-energy electromagnetic waves and radiation, actually has a stationary cycle or not.

"The explosions of the sun can get to the earth. Besides the sun has a variety of activities such as magnetic fields, sunspots, flares (explosions of the sun), burst mass of the corona, solar wind and magnetic particles, "said alumnus of Astronomy ITB 1989.
Lapan have estimated the peak of solar activity occurred in 2012 until 2015. At the peak of solar activity cycle will be high and solar storms.

Alluded to how large volumes of high-energy particles or explosion that occurred, Clara states associated unclear how long and when they occurred.

"All I can say here, solar storms occur within a few minutes or several hours. Very varied and can not be sure when it happened. Predicted year 2012 to 2013, "he explained.

 In some parts of the world, solar cycle occurred 11 years and now the sun is at the 24 th cycle. It had a serious impact on the electrical grid system as in Canada and Japan in 1989 and in Sweden in 2003.
B. Efak caused by a solar storm
Effects of the storm, he added, most major impact on high technology such as satellite and radio communications. Satellites can lose control and radio communications will be interrupted.
"Other effects, solar activity contributes to climate change. When solar activity increases, the sun will heat up. As a result the earth's temperature will rise and climate change," said Elly.
Solar particles penetrating the Earth's upper atmosphere will affect weather and climate. The impact of extreme, can lead to drought. However this is still under review by the investigators.
In addition to impacting on equipment and communication systems, solar storms also contribute to climate change. Because if there is an increase in solar activity, then the result of the sun will heat up. "Earth's temperature will rise sharply and climate change. The impact caused extreme drought. But it was still in the study the researchers, ".


Author of a paper that has been collated, it can be concluded that:
We do not have to worry about the existence of solar storms that will occur at the peak of this year, because it commonly occurs as a cycle of years. damage is also not as powerful as a shadow in the movie. and the effects can also be explained by physics. not just making it up.

Daftar pustaka

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


Transformator atau trafo adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengubah tegangan listrik(menaikkan atau menurunkan)tegangan dari arus bolak-balik.bagian-bagian dari transformator adalah
Kumparan primer adalah kumparan yangn dihubungkan dengan sumber tegangan ac
Kumparan sekunder adalah kumparan yang dihasilkan ggl induksi dan dihubungkan dengan alat-alat listrik.
Inti besi adalah bagian yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan medan magnet yang lebih kuat agar mampu menghasilkan ggl induksi pada kumparan sekunder.
Transformator biasanya digunakan untuk tegangan bolak-ballik(AC).menurut fungsinya transformator dibagi menjadi 2 macam yaitu
Trafo step up(penaik tegangan)
Trafo step down (penurun tegangan)
Gambar macam-macam trafo

Perbedaan antara keduanya adalah lihat table
Jenis trafo Fungsi Tegangan Jumlah lilitan
Step down Menurunkan tegangan vp>vs Ns>Ns
Step up Menaikakkan tegangan Vp daya sekunder (Ps)
Efisiensi (η) = o< η<100

Vp = tegangan primer (v)
Vs = tegangan sekunder (v)
Np =jumlah lilitan primer
Ns = jumlah lilitan sekunder
Ip = kuat arus primer (A)
Is = kuat arus sekunder (A)
Efisensi untuk trafo tidak ideal dengan ca

1. Sebuah trafo bagian primernya bertegangan 200 V dengan kuat arus 4A,sedangkan sekundernya 100V dengan kuat arus 5,6 A.berapa efisiensi trafonya……..

Diket Vp=200V
Ip=4 A
Is= 5,6 A
η =(VsIs/VpIp)100%
Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah point D(70%

2. Sebuah transformator dihubungkan dengan PLN pada tegangan 100 V menyebabkan kuat arus pada kumparan primer 10 A. Jika perbandingan jumlah lilitan primer dan sekunder 1 : 25, hitunglah:
a. tegangan pada kumparan sekunder,
b. kuat arus pada kumparan sekunder.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

asaz black

Black Principle
Indonesian From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Black principle is a principle of thermodynamics is expressed by Joseph Black . The principle outlines:
If two objects of different temperatures are mixed, hot objects give heat on cold objects so that eventually the same temperature
The amount of heat absorbed by cold object equal to the amount of heat released hot objects
Objects that cooled off the heat as large as the heat is absorbed when heated
Black is a sound principle as follows:
"By mixing the two substances, the amount of heat that is released substances higher temperature equal to the number of heat received by a lower temperature substance"

[ edit ]Formula Black Principle
In general, the formula is the Black Principle

Q out = Q received

Q out is the amount of heat released by the substance
Q receive is the amount of heat received by the substance

and the following formula is a description of the formula above:

(M 1 XC 1) (T 1-T a) = (M 2 XC 2) (T a-T 2)

M 1 = mass of objects that have a higher temperature level
C 1 = Heat of types of objects that have a higher temperature level
T 1 = temperature of the object that has a higher temperature level
T a = temperature of the final mixing of the two objects
M 2 = mass of objects that have a lower temperature level
C 2 = Heat of types of objects that have a lower temperature level
T 2 = temperature of the object that has a lower temperature level